Google bekræfter Nexus Prime

Samsung har via deres advokat bekræftet, at der er en Nexus Prime på vej.

Google bekræfter Nexus Prime

Firmware til Googles næste Nexus-mobil i rækken er blevet lækket. Det har fået Samsungs advokat til at sende et brev til udvikleren, der har fået fat i firmwaren. Heri anmoder advokaten personen om ikke at offentliggøre firmwaren, og truer med søgsmål.

Med brevet bliver det bekræftet, at det er Samsung der er samarbejdspartner på den nye Nexus-mobil, og at navnet bliver Nexus Prime.

Læs hele brevet herunder.

To ***recipient***

It has come to our attention that you are wrongfully in possession of, and intend to release or otherwise publicly disclose without Samsung’s consent, firmware for the Nexus Prime. By this letter, Samsung orders you to immediate cease, desist, and refrain from any and all such activities.

The Nexus Prime firmware is the exclusive property of Samsung and/or its partners, suppliers and affiliates. Any continued retention, use, or disclosure of Nexus Prime firmware, and/or Samsung’s confidential, proprietary, and trade secret information pertaining to Nexus Prime, will expose you to significant liability, both civil and potentially criminal.

Samsung expects your immediate compliance with the terms of this letter. You are instructed to contact my office immediately to discuss the return of Nexus Prime data in your possession and other remedial action. Samsung reserves all rights.

By this letter, you are also put on notice of your obligation not to alter, modify, delete, erase, or destroy, or cause or permit anyone else to alter, modify, delete, erase, or destroy, any evidence pertaining to the subject matter of this letter.

Thank you for immediate cooperation.

General Counsel
Samsung Telecommunications America, LLC.